Monday, April 30, 2012

MANIC MONDAY Presents Puma Perl and Matthew Hupert Book   
Launch Party!

Monday, May 7th, 7-9

Manic Monday Presents a Book Launch Party!
Yippie Museum Cafe

9 Bleecker (bet. Bowery & Elizabeth)
Puma Perl will read from her new chapbook, Ruby True and Matthew Hupert will read from his, Clouds Gradually Undraping the Moon.

With special guest performers:

Cyndi Dawson & Henry Seiz of The Cynz
ane Ormerod
Jane LeCroy
David Lawton
Jess Cording

Hosted by Big Mike!

FREE Admission - if you can, please donate $3 to the Yippie Museum Cafe (9 Bleecker) who so generously provides space.

Food/Non-alcoholic beverages available.

Very limited open mic!