Monday, November 9, 2015

Reviews in The Villager/Chelsea Now for Fringe Festival, "Coping" and "Naked Hamilton"
Photo shoot and interview with Robert Butcher in NY Waste.

PUMA PERL with NEW YORK JUNK - And The Angels Sing

Shot by Ra Bob at the Brighton Bar with New York Junk - Joe Sztabnik, Cynthia Ross, and Gary Barnett. Produced by Ian Bull. Original poem by Puma Perl in collaboration with Rick Eckerle, 10/9/15

Puma Perl with New York Junk Live 8-26-2015 Bowery Electric "A Perfect Day"

Video from Puma Perl's Pandemonium, 6/26/15, shot by Mike Tapp of Brane Kandy, MNN. Puma Perl Friends - Joff Wilson, Frank DiNunzio, Walter Steding, Danny Ray. Additional guests included Ted Jonathon, Corinna Bain, Joe Sztabnik, Linda Rizzo, and more.

Puma Perl's Pandemonium June 26, 2015

Video from Puma Perl's Pandemonium, 6/26/15, shot by Mike Tapp of Brane Kandy, MNN. Puma Perl Friends - Joff Wilson, Frank DiNunzio, Walter Steding, Danny Ray. Additional guests included Ted Jonathon, Corinna Bain, Joe Sztabnik, Linda Rizzo, and more.

9/26/15 - Celebrating Anne Husick's Birthday and the last Supermoon of the year. We did Moon Poems. Otto's Shrunken Head with Danny Ray, Joff Wilson, Frank DiNunzio and Walter Steding.
9/25/15 Music Under the Stars, curated by Joff Wilson at the Community Garden, East 6th Street and Avenue B, with Dina Regine, Jennifer Blowdryer, Walter Steding, and many more wonderful artists.