Saturday, February 12, 2011

Coney Island is for Lovers

I have not one, but two love stories on the blog and the video. One is an ex-boyfriend and the story of how we met at the Siren Festival in Coney Island. The other is me and Big Mike and the Mermaid Parade.

I included photos to accompany the story and am now shown, breasts hanging like a National Geographic centerfold. They didn't look so bad in green, but the ones with the body paint dripping off are rough. She didn't include the photo where we look the happiest in the blog, but it's in the video.

The story of me and my ex-boyfriend, Louie, is here:

It's a simpler story and the ending is that it ended. I don't have an ending with Big Mike yet.

There is a video too.!/video/video.php?v=10150099624409323&oid=138587312872199&comments

Coincidentally, I know the winners of the love story contest, Christine and Chris. It is a really sweet story. Mine is more bittersweet, one relationship gone and the other - future unknown at this point. I probably have done everything possible to sabotage and self-sabotage. I have acted as impulsively as I did sending in those photos, which are also in the window of the Broome Street location. I don't feel brave at all right now.

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